Marble Initiative Status
hospitality |
Improvements to the Outreach of Guests and Church Members
facility upgrades |
Facility Upgrade Plan On its Way
Managing the Way We Communicate and Inform
children's MINISTRY |
Church Curriculum for Children
Decision to Rename?
Meeting with our worship consultant.
outreach |
Who is in our Church Community?
VCI Outreach Team Update - Brian Foster
- Nearly FIFTY $25 gift cards were collected and donated to Aid In Milan.
- Tins of cookies were delivered to employees at 6 local businesses on Christmas Eve.
- Marble hosts a walk-in free Drug/Alcohol Risk Assessment walk-in program open the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays of every month.
- F.I.S.H. family program is the 3rd Thursday of each month offering a meal, activities and mission projects.
Events coming up, or in the works:
-Thursday, March 12th 7:00 p.m. - Financial Seminar on "Budgeting" Free and Open to anyone.
Two more financial seminars are planned for later in 2020: "Trust and Estate Planning" and "Fraud and
Identity Theft". Keep watch for those dates and times.
- United Methodist Women are planning a "Parent's Night Out" for parents of children with special needs this spring.
Projects in the Learning and Planning stages:
- VCI Outreach is examining "How can Marble do more to support the Paddock summer lunch program?”
Congregants have reached out to Aid in Milan, the school, and other churches in the community to understand how
to help programs in place.
-VCI Outreach is examining the local homeless situation in Milan. Talking with Police, the City, Aid in Milan, schools
and others to better understand the situation. We will look at working with other churches in the area to come up
with ways we can serve.
- In 2020 Marble plans to have a "booth" for Downtown Trick or Treating and for the Christmas Parade.
- In February 2021 Marble plans to be involved in next year's "Let's Chill" festival.
The goal of VCI Outreach is to create a resource for groups and individuals who have ideas for programs and
events for Marble Memorial. The team is ready to help sort out feasibility and offer support for these programs.
- Nearly FIFTY $25 gift cards were collected and donated to Aid In Milan.
- Tins of cookies were delivered to employees at 6 local businesses on Christmas Eve.
- Marble hosts a walk-in free Drug/Alcohol Risk Assessment walk-in program open the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays of every month.
- F.I.S.H. family program is the 3rd Thursday of each month offering a meal, activities and mission projects.
Events coming up, or in the works:
-Thursday, March 12th 7:00 p.m. - Financial Seminar on "Budgeting" Free and Open to anyone.
Two more financial seminars are planned for later in 2020: "Trust and Estate Planning" and "Fraud and
Identity Theft". Keep watch for those dates and times.
- United Methodist Women are planning a "Parent's Night Out" for parents of children with special needs this spring.
Projects in the Learning and Planning stages:
- VCI Outreach is examining "How can Marble do more to support the Paddock summer lunch program?”
Congregants have reached out to Aid in Milan, the school, and other churches in the community to understand how
to help programs in place.
-VCI Outreach is examining the local homeless situation in Milan. Talking with Police, the City, Aid in Milan, schools
and others to better understand the situation. We will look at working with other churches in the area to come up
with ways we can serve.
- In 2020 Marble plans to have a "booth" for Downtown Trick or Treating and for the Christmas Parade.
- In February 2021 Marble plans to be involved in next year's "Let's Chill" festival.
The goal of VCI Outreach is to create a resource for groups and individuals who have ideas for programs and
events for Marble Memorial. The team is ready to help sort out feasibility and offer support for these programs.
Special March 5, 2020 Meeting
Your Church Council, the Vital Church Initiative Leadership Team and those engaged on the ‘home’ or ‘away’ teams during the 2016-2017 Phase I VCI all joined on March 5, 2020 with the Rev. Sherry Parker- Lewis and the Rev. Gary Step. Both Sherry and Gary have been with us previously during our ministry revitalization journey. The purpose of this meeting was to engage Sherry and Gary – who have repeated and significant experiences with churches seeking to revitalizes ministries. The group shared the 50-year trend of Marble worship attendance, other more recent indicators of the health of our Marble ministry and a summary of our VCI progress thus far. Sherry and Gary confirmed what a number of those in Marble leadership were starting to realize. While the VCI Ministry Plan we adopted was an excellent plan
for preparing for ministry growth, additional key elements are still necessary to achieve long-term ministry growth:
1. A fuller and more detailed “vision” for our ministry – beyond our Vision Statement - a “vision plan” to drive our ministry program and to create accountability. A ministry vision plan will embody our passion and our dreams. A ministry vision plan will create more focused and consistent alignment of our congregational activity in support of the ministry.
2. A cultural foundation necessary in the long- term to create, grow and sustain a healthy ministry. We need the patience and fortitude
to realize that culture change – which can take 4-7 years. We will launch a Visioning Team - once we are able to do so. We will engage the entire congregation as continue on this ministry journey.
This joint leadership team wants the congregation to know that we will continue to complete our VCI Ministry plan actions as we are able to do so.
Your Church Council, the Vital Church Initiative Leadership Team and those engaged on the ‘home’ or ‘away’ teams during the 2016-2017 Phase I VCI all joined on March 5, 2020 with the Rev. Sherry Parker- Lewis and the Rev. Gary Step. Both Sherry and Gary have been with us previously during our ministry revitalization journey. The purpose of this meeting was to engage Sherry and Gary – who have repeated and significant experiences with churches seeking to revitalizes ministries. The group shared the 50-year trend of Marble worship attendance, other more recent indicators of the health of our Marble ministry and a summary of our VCI progress thus far. Sherry and Gary confirmed what a number of those in Marble leadership were starting to realize. While the VCI Ministry Plan we adopted was an excellent plan
for preparing for ministry growth, additional key elements are still necessary to achieve long-term ministry growth:
1. A fuller and more detailed “vision” for our ministry – beyond our Vision Statement - a “vision plan” to drive our ministry program and to create accountability. A ministry vision plan will embody our passion and our dreams. A ministry vision plan will create more focused and consistent alignment of our congregational activity in support of the ministry.
2. A cultural foundation necessary in the long- term to create, grow and sustain a healthy ministry. We need the patience and fortitude
to realize that culture change – which can take 4-7 years. We will launch a Visioning Team - once we are able to do so. We will engage the entire congregation as continue on this ministry journey.
This joint leadership team wants the congregation to know that we will continue to complete our VCI Ministry plan actions as we are able to do so.