For families with Children
Grace Space is available at the back of the sanctuary to fit the needs of God's littlest worshipers (suggested ages: infant - 4 years). This is a special area for young children and their caregivers to engage in worship while also being able to see better, sit comfortably, and play with soft, quiet toys.
Nursery (inside the Nursery) is located steps away from the sanctuary on our main hallway. This unstaffed space welcomes families to listen to worship while giving children a break from the sanctuary. Families are welcome to use the Cry-Room anytime. This space has a restroom and a changing station.
Nursery (inside the Nursery) is located steps away from the sanctuary on our main hallway. This unstaffed space welcomes families to listen to worship while giving children a break from the sanctuary. Families are welcome to use the Cry-Room anytime. This space has a restroom and a changing station.