We invite you to our church for the Advent season!
There's a lot going on here at Marble Memorial UMC. Won't you come and join us as we prepare for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ?
Saturday, December 3
Goodie Sale and Craft Show
8:30am - 2:30pm Don't have time to bake for the holidays, or just have a sweet tooth? Come buy your holiday cookies and treats by the pound. Need that perfect gift for someone special? Buy from one of our many local crafters and support our community. Need Lunch? A scrumptious hot lunch will be available. You can't go wrong with an event like this! |
Saturday, December 24
Christmas Eve Worship Services
6:00pm - Our early evening Christmas Eve candlelight service embraces family interaction and engagement whether you are a family of 1 or 10. 10:00pm - Our late evening candlelight service honors time proven traditions of uplifting celebration in memory of Jesus’ birth and entry into our world. |